
Main Task: Researching Contents Pages

This contents age features a full shot of the featured band on a hilltop, there is also a caption below detailing an article about the band. The layout is neatly organised with a column of contents down the left hand side leaving a large amount of space to be used by the photo. The colour scheme is simple and they don't overuse colours, they simple have important text highlighted in red with a black masthead at the top. The fonts used are all the same with the masthead just being in a bold and enlarged. The caption at the bottom "The world's biggest and best music guide" indicates they're trying to convince the audience that this magazine should be your number one source for music information. In the bottom left corner is a template which features on every month's issue. It shows the featured articles that appear every time which is trying to pull the audience in and get them familiar with the magazine layout.
This layout is far more cluttered than the previous contents page, it has a comprehensive list of bands down the left hand column. They advertise subscribing to the magazine, which is a stream of revenue for the magazine, with an offer. They also have a short section of a article in the magazine that couples with the full shot photo. This contents page has a lot of text rather than featuring a large/many photos, down the right hand side they have a few selected featured articles with captions detailing more about what the article is about. The colour scheme is very simple with just reds, black, white and yellow being used, this means the layout isn't garish but at the same time contains enough colour for it not to be too dull and maintain trendy. The full shot photo is of a live performance from the featured band, the lead guitarist and lead singer are very engaging as they are performing the music as the photo is taken, this therefore engages the reader as they aren't just stood still and boring, they are active.
This layout is in contrast to the previous contents page, the previous one was predominantly text based however this magazine contents page is full of images. The photos are a mixture of close ups and medium close ups. There is one larger image and 8 minor images accompanying the larger one. Each image has a page number and a caption with the image. This colour scheme is made up of black, white and yellow. The yellow and black complement each other as the yellow background features black text and the black background features yellow text, this keeps a consistent look throughout the page.

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