
Main Task: Researching Front Covers

The colour scheme used in this front cover is a vibrant pink with white and black. The camerawork used in this front cover is a full shot image containing all the subjects taking up the majority of the front cover as they are the featured item of the magazine. The language used is targeted at a younger, trendier audience with phrases like “Why they will own 2012” and “Bored? Skint?” .The layout of the magazine is somewhat cluttered with a lot of the main headlines featured on the cover in the bottom third of the magazine where as there is not much information near the top third where the heads of the “Maccabees” take precedence. The tone of the magazine is high energy with featured items such as “Exclusive new track” and “Win! Noel Gallagher Tickets” trying to draw the attention of the reader.

The camerawork on this magazine is an extreme close up shot of the subject. It is very eye catching and draws you in due to the nature of the subject with his gold teeth and gold rings in the forefront. The colour scheme used a simple one with only white being used on the text and then the colours in the background image with gold and red. The typography used in this magazine is in three sections. The masthead is a simple sans serif font, whereas the headline is a much narrower and is a serif font then in the bottom third is sans serif too. The layout is very spacious with not a lot of text due to the photo being the dominate feature that draws people in. The subject is wearing a vibrant red hat and the bright gold rings on his fingers and the gold teeth catch your eye as it’s a very striking image.

The camerawork used on this magazine is a full shot, the subject isn’t wearing any clothing which immediately strikes the eye, and the magazine is probably aimed at males as their eye would attract more to the photo. The bright red lipstick, red nail paint and bright hair contrasts and stands out from the white backdrop which creates this elegant and simplistic layout, the layout is ordered too with the masthead in the top left corner then the headline and coverline in the centre of the magazine, building on this there is a lot of space around the front cover with just a masthead, headline and a coverline all of which are in black. The headline is in a serif font and is very artistic in the way it resembles a signature or handwriting. The language used is simple and clear on what they’re saying.

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