
Main Task: Contents Page

 For my music magazine contents page, the main inspiration for the design was a festival lineup. I wanted to created a contents page that looked similar to a lineup of artists and musicians. 
 Once I had done a column of the artists in my magazine, I re sized them all to be the same width. I then duplicated a layer from my front cover with the broken vinyl to add some continuity to the contents page so it would be recognized as from the same magazine.
 Adding the page numbers was a bit more complicated as I had to ensure you could still read the artists names and also easily see the page numbers, otherwise the contents page would be rendered pointless.
 Lastly, I noticed from my research that often contents pages have offers on their subscriptions to their magazines so I decided to do my own version of an offer with the same inclusions as the real magazines (website, phone in, text). Features like this make the magazine seem more real and professional.

Here is an example festival lineups:

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