
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I got my Canon 7D during the process of constructing this product and had never used a DSLR before the photoshoot for my main task, I shot the photos of my preliminary on my smart phone. I learnt to tweak all the different picture styles and aperture to create more developed photos.

I used photoshop to construct my magazine pages, before doing the product I didn't know much at all about photo manipulation but did know my way around photoshop where as now I know how to change; saturation, brightness, contrast, light curves and more.

I'd had no previous experience with blogger and now I've used it to present my foundation portfolio online and also flikr which I used to upload my photoshoot to. I used YouTube too to upload a peer evaluation of my preliminary task.
  I also used slideshare to embed my powerpoint presentations within my blog, it means I can have variety in how I present information, I had never previously used slideshare. I also Prezi as an alternative to slideshare, it's a more dynamic version of slideshare that presents using zooming in and out of "slides" rather than the traditional powerpoint presentation, Prezi was much harder to master but gives a better end product and was fun to learn.

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